Megacell Charger PRO Documentation
Thank you for your interest in learnign how to use the Megacell Charger!
On this page you will find video tutorials and PDF download Documentation. To control one or multiple devices from a Dashboard, watch video 4 that goes through the installation process of our open source Mega CNC software.
Python library that can send commands and gether data from MCC PRO is also available. Scroll to download section for more info.
Raspberry Pi Pre-Configured or RPI Image
If you purchased our raspberry pi pre-configured or you burned the raspberry pi image we provide, here’s some tips on how to use it.
- The megacnc.service starts automatically when raspberry pi boots up
- To get the ip of your device, you must connect the device with an ethernet cable to your local network and connect to your router and loog for a host called rpimcc
- Using that ip, you can access the Mega CNC application on your browser by typing http://192.168.x.x:8000 . Make sure to replace the ip with the correct one and keep the :8000 at the end
- To connect via ssh with putty, you type in the ip of your device and use mccadmin as user and MCCIsTheBest! for password
- To perform an update, login with ssh and run the following command: sudo mccservice_updateĀ
Easiest way to get started is with:
Video Documentation Section
There's nothing simpler than watching a video
Video 1 - Standalone use
Video 2 - Connecting Megacell Charger to your wifi network
Video 3 - Firmware update (Only if your firmware is different version, shows when MCC starts)
Video 4 - Setting up the Mega CNC application
Video 5 - Updating Mega CNC using the custom image
Download Section
There's nothing more important than getting easy access to your files
Alert for Firmware Upgrade
When upgrading firmware, use the Over Air Transfer option. Enable the option from Main Menu > Settings > Connectivity > OTA Enabled . Save and reboot device. Go to chargerip:8080/firmware and use admin/admin for credentials. DO NOT ERASE FLASH using other flashing utilities, that will brick the device